I am aware that many of our friends & family are quietly suffering the challenges that are upon us right now. A Kal Sarpa has ruled over the heavens for a few weeks. Astrologically, when all the planets are sandwiched between Rahu and Ketu, it is termed Kala Sarpa. Rahu and Ketu are the North and South Nodes of the Moon, invisible planets, called Shadow Planets. They are the repositories and drivers of our personal and collective shadow karma, history and impulses. The recent close conjunction between Rahu and Saturn in the constellation Swati, sign of Libra, has upped the ante on the pressure trough. I want to share some reflections from the Serpent, and the challenges and gifts he poses.
When I first started getting visits from Rahu some years back, I was impressed because I didn’t know too much about him. I only knew that Rahu and Ketu, the North and South Nodes of the moon, are Shadow planets. Together they represent and process the collective shadow self. Yet unlike the visible planets, they are invisible, escaping detection even by satellite!
There was one memorable instant was when Rahu chose to “introduce” himself to me. He exposed the fleshy part of his long snake stomach, and revealed millions of DNA codons of all species that have lived within our galaxy, from the Big Bang forward. He showed me that he is responsible for “scaling and cleaning the codons” until all beings reach their fullest potential and become precious gems. In the current Rahu-Ketu axis (Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries), we are experiencing Rahu’s formidable pairing up with Saturn, until July 13, 2014. Saturn is the deliverer of karma. With Saturn sitting in the House of Libra where he is exalted, the theme of justice and balancing the scales of karma is even more accentuated, and coming down with a loud thud. In this case, even the word “scaling” takes on extra weight and meaning.
Throughout all of last week I was sweating, even through the Grand Sextiles configuration, feeling the tension of uneasy aspects and transits of planets noticeably weakened because they are locked within the clutches of the Nodes. Common symptoms are aches and pains of nerves, sinews, and joints, and scrambling of the mental, emotional and psychic sheaths. Old addictions can flare up, because they reflect unfinished issues. I see my friends, members of my family, also my FB buddies going through this, and it’s been an uphill struggle for many folks.
“Molting”-Hexagram #49, I Ching-Radical Paradigm Shift

In ancient Tamil astrological scripts, Rahu was considered as incarnation of Shakthi (The female goddess) and deitized as “Kali”, “Bhadrakali.”
It was considered very hard to please “Rahu”, but contrarily “Rahu” blesses with Great Boons and Good fortunes on her own…Also “Rahu” had a great passion with Lord Shiva (The deity form of Sun) and their union lead to the offspring, which was Saturn.
Today, however, I am gladdened, because Mr. Rahula appeared and gave a more positive prognosis of the situation. “Look at the scales and eyes on my body, especially in the belly. See how laser-sharp and refined they are. What do I do with them? I grind and scale the DNA codons of every being within every species and sub-species. You are familiar with the #49 hexagram “molting” from the I Ching, which literally means “molting the skin of a serpent or animal.” 革. This hexagram often augurs “revolution” or “drastic paradigm shift,” or “Change of government/regime.” Certainly that’s happening all over the world. For humanity, the skin of the serpent (old paradigm) is being sloughed off. This is what the molting is about. Be patient. You have to endure the scaling and buffing. I will polish and buff each being—if their souls desire it—into an impeccable, precious gems. A diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire…so do not think that you are enduring this molting in vain.”
For the next 3 days, a small group of us are holding a focused intent/prayers and meditation on the following topics:
-Friday Aug 9: to bring in wealth, resources and spiritual abundance for world community.
-Sat & Sun, Aug 10, 11: Offer homas & prayers to Rahu and Ketu on Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami to remove stubborn illnesses, nervous conditions, negative influences, and ancestral curse. Not that we are going to take away your karma, but we provide a platform—no matter how small—so that people can check in, and develop deeper understanding of fascinating topics that involve our personal and group evolution. This is an invite to your Higher Self. So if you feel like responding, just program these dates and topics into your energy body, and show up in the ethers to join us. Rahu & Ketu are the teachers here. All you have to do is allow it, and show up. Namaste.
Hello, when will you be doing this again?
Not right now, but thank you for your interest.