
Rahu-Saturn Conjunction & Kal Sarpa: The Challenges & Gifts

Posted by on Aug 9, 2013 in Ancestors, Blog, Featured, Vedic | 2 comments

Rahu-Saturn Conjunction & Kal Sarpa: The Challenges & Gifts

I am aware that many of our friends & family are quietly suffering the challenges that are upon us right now.  A Kal Sarpa has ruled over the heavens for a few weeks. Astrologically, when all the planets are sandwiched between Rahu and Ketu, it is termed Kala Sarpa. Rahu and Ketu are the North and South Nodes of the Moon, invisible planets, called Shadow Planets. They are the repositories and drivers of our personal and collective shadow karma, history and impulses. The recent close conjunction between Rahu and Saturn in the constellation Swati, sign of Libra, has upped the ante on the pressure trough. I want to share some reflections from the Serpent, and the challenges and gifts he poses. When I first started getting visits from Rahu some years back, I was impressed because I didn’t know too much about him.  I only knew that Rahu and Ketu, the North and South Nodes of the moon, are Shadow planets. Together they represent and process the collective shadow self. Yet unlike the visible planets, they are invisible, escaping detection even by satellite! There was one memorable instant was when Rahu chose to “introduce” himself to me. He exposed the fleshy part of his long snake stomach, and revealed millions of DNA codons of all species that have lived within our galaxy, from the Big Bang forward.  He showed me that he is responsible for “scaling and cleaning the codons” until all beings reach their fullest potential and become precious gems. In the current Rahu-Ketu axis (Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries), we are experiencing Rahu’s formidable pairing up with Saturn, until July 13, 2014.  Saturn is the deliverer of karma.  With Saturn sitting in the House of Libra where he is exalted, the theme of justice and balancing the scales of karma is even more accentuated, and coming down with a loud thud.  In this case, even the word “scaling” takes on extra weight and meaning. Throughout all of last week I was sweating, even through the Grand Sextiles configuration, feeling the tension of uneasy aspects and transits of planets noticeably weakened because they are locked within the clutches of the Nodes. Common symptoms are aches and pains of nerves, sinews, and joints, and scrambling of the mental, emotional and psychic sheaths. Old addictions can flare up, because they reflect unfinished issues. I see my friends, members of my family, also my FB buddies going through this, and it’s been an uphill struggle for many folks. “Molting”-Hexagram #49, I Ching-Radical Paradigm Shift Today, however, I am gladdened, because Mr. Rahula appeared and gave a more positive prognosis of the situation. “Look at the scales and eyes on my body, especially in the belly. See how laser-sharp and refined they are. What do I do with them? I grind and scale the DNA codons of every being within every species and sub-species. You are familiar with the #49 hexagram “molting” from the I Ching, which literally means “molting the skin of a serpent or animal.” 革. This hexagram often augurs “revolution” or “drastic paradigm shift,” or “Change of government/regime.”  Certainly that’s happening all over the world. For humanity, the skin of the serpent (old paradigm) is being sloughed off. This is what the molting is about.  Be patient. You have to endure the scaling and buffing. I will polish and buff each being—if their souls desire it—into an impeccable, precious gems. A diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire…so do not think that you are enduring this molting in vain.” For the next 3 days, a small group of us are holding...

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Ganesh Clears Old Karmic Records

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Ancestors, Blog, Vedic | 2 comments

Ganesh Clears Old Karmic Records

The gold light re-shuffles the records, and in an instant re-groups them, squeezing them into a tiny notepad. And then the light keeps on compacting, until the notepad becomes smaller and smaller. The compaction of the karma finally reduces the object into a golden pellet. May 12. On the night before the launching of my new name and website, my friend  helped me do a remote cleaning of my computer files. There are old programs and files stashed and hidden away, and since I am not so savvy with the computer,  he offered to conduct a remote cleaning. It took a couple of hours. But then to my surprise, the data files of my Jyotish Astrology software got wiped! There are hundreds of charts in those data files, and they are part of my bread and butter as well. I should be quite upset, except it was past midnight and we’ve been plugging away at the files for hours now, trying every which way to recover the data, And I was falling asleep with my eyes open. So, we decided to let the computer run and I was going to hit the sack. I drifted off into an uneasy sleep, wondering what the heck…? Is this clearing out the karmic files?   And then Ganesh shows up. He’s usually very gorgeous and dramatically dressed. This time he appears in a platinum sheen, with a sapphire blue jewel right on his chest. He cuts a stunning figure. Ganesh shows me the floor of my room which is strewn with old files,records and archives from lifetimes. At first I am bewildered because there is so much litter all over the floor. But he very quickly moves his arms around, sending out a wave of electronic golden light. The gold light re-shuffles the records, and in an instant re-groups them, squeezing them into a tiny notepad. And then the light keeps on compacting, until the notepad becomes smaller and smaller. The compaction of the karma finally reduces the object into a golden pellet. Like the Tibetan herbal pellets for puja, no bigger than 1.5 cm. Now all of this happens really in a matter of a few seconds—quantum time. Then Ganesh winks at me, and says, “Watch me!” And he put the golden pellet into his mouth, and swallows it, and lets out huge chuckle that opens up my heart.  He’s so funny, this guy, he blows my mind. As I am typing this, he is letting out a belly laugh and rubbing his tummy. Not yet the end of story. Then he gives me a pair of ruby earrings. It’s a most gorgeous pair of earrings, much like the exquisite earrings on Green Tara which I saw at the Nepali shop selling Tibetan statues. They are made up of ruby, emerald, pearl, sapphire and diamond. All the gems mean the different planets, I am told. The earrings look very feminine, ornate, and precious. Now  I am staring at them, a little dumbfounded, a little shy, not knowing what to do. Ganesh takes them and puts them on my ears. So, I guess these are good omens. Ganesh is personally “absorbing” all my old karma. The old files involve not just me; it involves our families, friends, and communities. All those people I’ve been praying for. The Puja that followed in a couple of days has made a huge shift. I have posted some pictures of the Puja Fire in the Gallery. The Puja is a ceremony dedicated to the deities of wealth, abundance and happiness for all. So much energy came through that we are still integrating the downloads. I remain forever...

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Soul Genetics: Why should you honor your ancestors?

Posted by on May 6, 2013 in Ancestors, Blog, Featured, Vedic | 79 comments

Soul Genetics:  Why should you honor your ancestors?

Does this predicament sound familiar to you? You are plagued by a certain illness that won’t go away; you are always moody, depressed or fatigued;  you are overwhelmed  by a nasty situation either involving work, finances,  or relationships… and no matter what you do and how hard you try, the problem won’t away. And when all conventional remedies fail to produce relief or improvement, you start to wonder: what on earth is the reason, and why?? Have you ever considered that the problem may have something to do with your departed ancestors? ULTIMATELY, WHO IS CONTROLLING YOUR SOUL? Here I want to bring up the term Soul Genetics, introduced by Dr. Pillai, an internationally famous Tamil scholar-mystic and philanthropist, founder of Astroved and Pillai Center. Soul Genetics refer to soul properties inherited from your ancestors. Just as you would inherit biological genes that build your body, you also inherit soul genes from your ancestral lines. You may inherit positive or negative traits from your forebears, which pave the way for either a happy, healthy and successful life, or a visit to hell! Most people experience a mixed bag. They inherit some positive soul traits, but also some tough karma thrown in through the generations. On top of our personal karma, there is also ancestral or tribal karma–the composite of karmic momentum accrued by your forefathers and mothers. Although people may not be aware of this, their physical ailments, mental distress, also the obstacles they encounter in their career, family and relationships, etc., are often directly related to bum ancestral karma. What is the remedy for this? The easiest way to shift your circumstance is by feeding your ancestors. SIMPLE HANDS-ON RITUAL Many cultures in the Far East & Southeast Asia have rituals honoring ancestors. India, Japan, China, Tibet, Thailand, Bali, to name a few. Today I am introducing a hands-on ritual that I find to be the most simple, practical, and effective. It stems from the Tamil Siddha tradition of South India and the gist of it consists of offering white rice flour mixed with black sesame seeds and water, and offering it to your ancestors. That’s all. It’s that simple. You can start right away. Just put white rice flour, black sesame seed, and darbha grass (optional) and mix it in a zip lock bag or glass bottle. I don’t even use darbha grass since we don’t have it in our area. I put the mixture in a little bottle, and every morning place a smidgeon on my right palm, and say a prayer to my ancestors. I call upon generations (at least six) from my father and mother’s side. I also say “Arut Perum Jyoti” over the mixture, invoking the Light to doubly bless the offering. The optimal hours are 6 a.m.-6 p.m. between sunrise and sunset, because that’s when ancestors are closest to the earth plane, and they can easily avail themselves of your offering. Make sure you say a prayer of thanks to ancestors of 6 generations of your father side, and 6 generations of your mother side. You can call in your ancestral lineages from even a broader gene pool. The secret is to intend your offering with great respect and appreciation.  Put up any request you have, or, if you need their help and support in solving any specific issue, state it clearly. Then rinse your hand off. Some people store a small bottle of tarpanam mix by their shower rack, and do it first thing in the morning as they step into their shower. The entire process takes just a couple minutes. I...

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