
Rahu Master of Deception: Viruses, Internet, Plagues & Nuclear Radiation

Posted by on Aug 10, 2013 in Blog, Vedic | 1 comment

Rahu Master of Deception: Viruses, Internet, Plagues & Nuclear Radiation

Lately I’ve been reflecting on Rahu’s scope of influence. In light of the current Rahu-Saturn conjunction in Libra getting closer throughout August and September, and peaking at Sept. 25. Rahu is very involved with viruses–and the dispersion of micro-organisms–as much as ideas.  Individuals who have significant Rahu aspects in their astrological charts, or who are running Rahu cycle, can easily excel in the areas of the internet, media, TV and film, marketing, sales, promotion, and other means that instantaneously “populate ideas” in cyber space. Rahu is legend in being master of deception. He thrives in foreign exotic lands, off-shore company businesses, drugs, addictions, poisons, and indulges in all manner of pleasure seeking. Have you noticed how the recent two years have been rife with news about countries accusing their neighbors of hacking into their computer systems, whereas almost every country that can afford to is doing it to their neighbor? Cyber identity fraud and cyber espionage are rampant.  Also, Wiki leaks and Snowden’s exposure of NSA antics. That’s all been in the news and it’s so Rahu. Epidemics & Plagues Rahu is also involved with real viruses, such as those that cause influenza, plagues, and epidemics. Right now a Chinese woman, a poultry worker in Guangdong Province, is hospitalized and suspected of H7N9 infection. The case, if confirmed, would be Guangdong province’s first human H7N9 infection, that is, human-to-human transmission. This may unleash another round of virus scare in the region. I am reminded of records from The Old Testament. The Bible is filled with tales of prophetic dreams, archetypal symbolism, synched up with non-ordinary events in real life. For example, the story of Moses as told in the Book of Exodus. Moses probably grew up as a nephew or grandson to the Pharaoh. When he was younger, Moses murdered a man, which caused him to flee to Midian. Pharaoh had tried to kill Moses, but in vain. After this Pharaoh died, the succeeding Pharaoh continued to oppress the Hebrews. Moses returned to Egypt. Suggested historical dates are c.1440 BCE under Pharaoh Thutmoses III, and c.1250BCE under Ramesses II. But get this, Moses appeared before Pharaoh with a sign of a staff turning into a SNAKE. This gives me an idea that Moses was some kind of Magi, or Sorcerer, and he certainly wielded snake power. Egypt suffered under several plagues during the following months: -Nile turned to blood and fish in the Nile died. -Plague of frogs 7 days following the plague of blood. -Gnats on the people and animals -Swarms of flies; region of Goshen excluded. -Pestilence on the animals; livestock of Hebrews excluded. -Boils on people and animals. -Thunder, severe hail, and fire against fields, people and animals. Barley had formed ears, and the flax was in bud. Before the spelt and wheat. Goshen excluded. -Locusts against the fields. -Darkness for 3 days. -Death of firstborn people and animals. Hebrews excluded. The freakish phenomena of algae and marine life gone wild, widespread plague of fish, frogs and blood; massive attacks by insects—gnats, flies; pestilence breaking out in livestock, infected with boils and then cross-species jumping to infect humans. Meanwhile, extreme weather patterns of thunderstorms, hail, fires, topsy-turvy crop yields, locust plague, leading to more pestilence and death. Does that sound a bit like Rahu or what, and is it not quite similar to our current time? Nuclear Radiation Fallout Last but not least. Radiation effects from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 2011. That also bears the stamp of Rahu. Tokyo Electric Power admits contaminated water has long been leaking into the Pacific Ocean, defying containment efforts....

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Rahu-Saturn Conjunction & Kal Sarpa: The Challenges & Gifts

Posted by on Aug 9, 2013 in Ancestors, Blog, Featured, Vedic | 2 comments

Rahu-Saturn Conjunction & Kal Sarpa: The Challenges & Gifts

I am aware that many of our friends & family are quietly suffering the challenges that are upon us right now.  A Kal Sarpa has ruled over the heavens for a few weeks. Astrologically, when all the planets are sandwiched between Rahu and Ketu, it is termed Kala Sarpa. Rahu and Ketu are the North and South Nodes of the Moon, invisible planets, called Shadow Planets. They are the repositories and drivers of our personal and collective shadow karma, history and impulses. The recent close conjunction between Rahu and Saturn in the constellation Swati, sign of Libra, has upped the ante on the pressure trough. I want to share some reflections from the Serpent, and the challenges and gifts he poses. When I first started getting visits from Rahu some years back, I was impressed because I didn’t know too much about him.  I only knew that Rahu and Ketu, the North and South Nodes of the moon, are Shadow planets. Together they represent and process the collective shadow self. Yet unlike the visible planets, they are invisible, escaping detection even by satellite! There was one memorable instant was when Rahu chose to “introduce” himself to me. He exposed the fleshy part of his long snake stomach, and revealed millions of DNA codons of all species that have lived within our galaxy, from the Big Bang forward.  He showed me that he is responsible for “scaling and cleaning the codons” until all beings reach their fullest potential and become precious gems. In the current Rahu-Ketu axis (Rahu in Libra, Ketu in Aries), we are experiencing Rahu’s formidable pairing up with Saturn, until July 13, 2014.  Saturn is the deliverer of karma.  With Saturn sitting in the House of Libra where he is exalted, the theme of justice and balancing the scales of karma is even more accentuated, and coming down with a loud thud.  In this case, even the word “scaling” takes on extra weight and meaning. Throughout all of last week I was sweating, even through the Grand Sextiles configuration, feeling the tension of uneasy aspects and transits of planets noticeably weakened because they are locked within the clutches of the Nodes. Common symptoms are aches and pains of nerves, sinews, and joints, and scrambling of the mental, emotional and psychic sheaths. Old addictions can flare up, because they reflect unfinished issues. I see my friends, members of my family, also my FB buddies going through this, and it’s been an uphill struggle for many folks. “Molting”-Hexagram #49, I Ching-Radical Paradigm Shift Today, however, I am gladdened, because Mr. Rahula appeared and gave a more positive prognosis of the situation. “Look at the scales and eyes on my body, especially in the belly. See how laser-sharp and refined they are. What do I do with them? I grind and scale the DNA codons of every being within every species and sub-species. You are familiar with the #49 hexagram “molting” from the I Ching, which literally means “molting the skin of a serpent or animal.” 革. This hexagram often augurs “revolution” or “drastic paradigm shift,” or “Change of government/regime.”  Certainly that’s happening all over the world. For humanity, the skin of the serpent (old paradigm) is being sloughed off. This is what the molting is about.  Be patient. You have to endure the scaling and buffing. I will polish and buff each being—if their souls desire it—into an impeccable, precious gems. A diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire…so do not think that you are enduring this molting in vain.” For the next 3 days, a small group of us are holding...

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Ganesh Clears Old Karmic Records

Posted by on May 17, 2013 in Ancestors, Blog, Vedic | 2 comments

Ganesh Clears Old Karmic Records

The gold light re-shuffles the records, and in an instant re-groups them, squeezing them into a tiny notepad. And then the light keeps on compacting, until the notepad becomes smaller and smaller. The compaction of the karma finally reduces the object into a golden pellet. May 12. On the night before the launching of my new name and website, my friend  helped me do a remote cleaning of my computer files. There are old programs and files stashed and hidden away, and since I am not so savvy with the computer,  he offered to conduct a remote cleaning. It took a couple of hours. But then to my surprise, the data files of my Jyotish Astrology software got wiped! There are hundreds of charts in those data files, and they are part of my bread and butter as well. I should be quite upset, except it was past midnight and we’ve been plugging away at the files for hours now, trying every which way to recover the data, And I was falling asleep with my eyes open. So, we decided to let the computer run and I was going to hit the sack. I drifted off into an uneasy sleep, wondering what the heck…? Is this clearing out the karmic files?   And then Ganesh shows up. He’s usually very gorgeous and dramatically dressed. This time he appears in a platinum sheen, with a sapphire blue jewel right on his chest. He cuts a stunning figure. Ganesh shows me the floor of my room which is strewn with old files,records and archives from lifetimes. At first I am bewildered because there is so much litter all over the floor. But he very quickly moves his arms around, sending out a wave of electronic golden light. The gold light re-shuffles the records, and in an instant re-groups them, squeezing them into a tiny notepad. And then the light keeps on compacting, until the notepad becomes smaller and smaller. The compaction of the karma finally reduces the object into a golden pellet. Like the Tibetan herbal pellets for puja, no bigger than 1.5 cm. Now all of this happens really in a matter of a few seconds—quantum time. Then Ganesh winks at me, and says, “Watch me!” And he put the golden pellet into his mouth, and swallows it, and lets out huge chuckle that opens up my heart.  He’s so funny, this guy, he blows my mind. As I am typing this, he is letting out a belly laugh and rubbing his tummy. Not yet the end of story. Then he gives me a pair of ruby earrings. It’s a most gorgeous pair of earrings, much like the exquisite earrings on Green Tara which I saw at the Nepali shop selling Tibetan statues. They are made up of ruby, emerald, pearl, sapphire and diamond. All the gems mean the different planets, I am told. The earrings look very feminine, ornate, and precious. Now  I am staring at them, a little dumbfounded, a little shy, not knowing what to do. Ganesh takes them and puts them on my ears. So, I guess these are good omens. Ganesh is personally “absorbing” all my old karma. The old files involve not just me; it involves our families, friends, and communities. All those people I’ve been praying for. The Puja that followed in a couple of days has made a huge shift. I have posted some pictures of the Puja Fire in the Gallery. The Puja is a ceremony dedicated to the deities of wealth, abundance and happiness for all. So much energy came through that we are still integrating the downloads. I remain forever...

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The Mother

Posted by on May 9, 2013 in Blog, Women Empowerment | 0 comments

The Mother

Healing the Wounded Feminine I am so deeply touched by Dr. Pillai’s message about the Mother, just out before Mother’s Day. We experience our humanity and evolve, in the context of our relationships. Without relationships of every kind, we have no life. Our very first relationship is with the mother, because we grow up in her womb. No matter what kind of conditions you have with your mother, whether pleasant or not so nice, on the soul level, there’s always a deep, indelible bond that has to be acknowledged. I know people who cut off from their mom, or don’t talk to her for years, or hold a bitter grudge. Such people experience a lot of anguish. Isn’t it much easier to find a place to let go and forgive? Forgiveness just means accepting her for who she is, and loving her the way she is, not the way you want her to be. This is tremendously freeing. People who have healthy, positive relationship with their mother enjoy the flow of abundance. The abundance (both material & spiritual) can find pathways to enter their lives. Venus and Jupiter (two Brahmin teachers) are both in Taurus right now (May 9, 2013).  A surge of the Divine Feminine infuses planet earth. We are learning about love, tough love, and love without bargaining or negotiations. Love re-instated as core value. The wound with Mother should be healed on all levels. Whether your mother is alive or not it doesn’t matter. On the soul level, we are connected to our Mother. By healing the Wound, all the abundance and happiness you desire will find its way to you....

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Immortal Peaches of Xiwangmu (part 2)

Posted by on May 9, 2013 in Blog, Taoism | 0 comments

Immortal Peaches of Xiwangmu (part 2)

Tiger Shaman: Goddess from the West Who is this Goddess hail from the West? What are her origins, and her special gifts to humanity? Her origins can be traced back to oracle bone inscriptions of the 15th century BCE that record sacrifices to a “western mother”. Originally called Xiwangmu (西王母), literally “Western Queen Mother,” she was a primordial divinity with her headquarters to the west of China. However, so powerful was her stature that she was deserving of ritual by the people of the Shang dynasty, Therefore, Xiwangmu isn’t even an indigenous deity. Her roots are Shamanic, and she was something fierce, and she came before organized Taoism. She appears first in writings dating to the Western Han dynasty (206 BC – AD 9). The earliest known mention of her in the “Guideways of Mountains and Seas“(山海經). The profile that emerges is that of a powerful woman shaman who lived up in the snowy mountains, gathering around her a following compelled by her awesome powers and personal charisma.  The very first depictions of her showed her with tiger teeth and a leopard tail! During the Zhou Dynasty, Xiwangmu was depicted as a ferocious goddess with the teeth of a tiger, who sent disease and pestilence down upon the world. A thousand years passed.  When the Silk Routes were opened up by 2nd century BCE, and traffic and trade picked up in northern and western parts of China, Xiwangmu was adopted into the Taoist pantheon. Eventually she was raised to the level of Top Goddess, Primordial Yin. Her name became synonymous as dispenser of abundance, long life, and eternal bliss.  Xiwangmu was given a Han name, the Han being the largest ethnic race in China proper. That name is Gold Mother of Shining Lake. As the name suggests, her vibration is that of pure golden luminosity. Her domain/field evokes the sparkling, fluidity of plasmic string theory. In my articles I will use the names Xiwangmu and Gold Mother interchangeably, since they represent the same entity with minor variations. Kunlun Mountain, Semi-Mythical Paradise The Queen Mother of the West presides over a palace paradise on the semi-mythical Mount Kunlun, in the etheric realm. Incidentally, there is a modern Mount Kunlun named after this. It is the longest mountain range in Asia. From the Pamirs of Tajikistan, it runs east along the border between Xinjiang and Tibet autonomous regions to the Sino-Tibetan ranges in Qinghai province. That is why she is called Queen Mother of the West. She is not an indigenous deity from China mainland, but an exotic “spiritual configuration” imported from the West. The mythical Mount Kunlun was believed to be a cosmic pillar, a meeting place between humans and the gods. And Xiwangmu’s domain (a parallel reality to ours) is sheer bliss and utter perfection. In modern times Xiwangmu has further evolved into an endearing Goddess She is often lovingly called Wang Niángniang (王母娘娘), Nanny, and Queen Mother.   Peaches of Immortality! According to Chinese Taoist texts, next to Xiwangmu’s palace is a most luxuriant orchard where she groomed ‘peaches of immortality. ‘ In the fantastic novel, Monkey (Journey to the West, 16th century), Monkey is guilty of crashing Xiwangmu’s birthday party, and gulping down all the peaches of immortality so there were none left for her guests.  You can bet the Queen Mother wasn’t quite happy with Monkey! To this day, pan tou (flat peaches from Shandong Province, the most priced and delicious!) are still associated with longevity, and in Chinese birthday parties,  steamed sweet buns served up in the shape of lush peaches, stuffed with lotus seed...

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Gold Mother of Shining Lake (瑤池金母) (part 1)

Posted by on May 9, 2013 in Blog, Featured, Taoism, Women Empowerment | 0 comments

Gold Mother of Shining Lake (瑤池金母) (part 1)

Encounter at the Mineral Spa “Gold Mother has yet another title.  Wu Ji Li Tian (無極理天). She is the Divine Logos beyond all form. Roughly, her name can mean “The Realm of Infinite Possibility beyond all polarity.” A mild winter’s day in Beitou. I slide easily into the flowing waters of the Beitou mineral spa, and its silky warmth entices me into a dreamy, trance-like state. My head is still spinning from the encounter just now at the private temple of Yaochi Jinmu (瑤池金母), or the Golden Mother of the Shining Lake. Her other name is Xiwangmu, Queen Mother from the West. If you have read the famous Chinese Taoist novel, or seen an animated version of Monkey, you might have an idea of Xiwangmu. She is the Queen Mother of Paradise who throws a birthday party and invites all the gods and celestials to attend. On her birthday feast, she gives away peaches of immortality to her guests, a much coveted treat even among the gods! However Monkey stole into the orchard and ate up all the peaches! We were in Xin Beitou (New Beitou), the area around Xin Beitou MRT Station and Qinshui Park, north of Taipei city. Developed as a hot spring resort during the Japanese era (1895-1945), it enjoyed the notoriety of being a red-light district. But in the past 20 years, the government has upgraded the entire area so that the tree-lined, lush hill city of Xin Beitou, from MTR station all the way up to the mountain top, is now lined with high quality spas, deluxe hotels, and good restaurants. . Behind the mineral spa area lays Yangmingshan National Park famous for its seasonal splendors.  Plum flowers in winter, azaleas and cherry blossoms every spring, picturesque hiking trails, and stately homes of government bureaucrats and famous men of letters. Mineral waters stream from numerous geothermal vents that populate the region and are famous for their health benefits. Since Japanese colonization, the hot springs have improved to include aroma therapy, massage, acupuncture, and excellent food which contribute towards the fulfilling spa experience.  It was the 4th day after Chinese New Year in Hong Kong. The Year of the Dragon had just settled in, and I was nudged to travel to Beitou, after my last visit which was ten years ago. I said to my girlfriend, “Let’s go soak in the mineral springs and truly r-e-l-a-x!” The flight from Hong Kong to Taipei is just a little over an hour. Little did we know that we were in for a little adventure of our own. On this particular day, we had made reservations at a designer spa, situated right at the mouth of the largest geothermal vent of the Beitou Valley. Due to the smell of sulfur and the constant rising of steam, Beitou Valley has the appearance of a witch’s cauldron. Aboriginal inhabitants of the area named it paktaaw, meaning ‘witch’. We were entering the witch’s brew. Surprise Audition in a Taoist Shrine Spring Hotel is where we stayed was further up the hill. In the afternoon, my girlfriend and I strolled down the hill from our hotel towards the designer spa. It was a 20 minute walk. As we turned the corner and was just about to arrive at our destination, we stumbled upon a beautiful mansion by the roadside. The outdoor patio was drenched in the golden-ocher rays of the afternoon sun. Statues of Buddhist and Taoist gods–including Bodhidharma–carved out of marble and granite, were spread out all over the patio, and nestled amidst pine and cypress trees. I should note here that in Taiwan, Buddhism,...

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